Help with Depression Anxiety and PTSD using CBT and EMDR therapy.

Symptoms of depression commonly include low mood, a lack of motivation and losing interest in previously enjoyed activities. It is also common to experience negative thoughts about yourself or your life.

Anxiety Disorders is an umbrella term which includes the below difficulties.

PTSD occurs following a very stressful or frightening experience, PTSD can occur soon after the event or develop later.

PTSD occurs following a very stressful or frightening experience, PTSD can occur soon after the event or develop later.

Common symptoms of PTSD include

Flashbacks to the event where you feel that you are back in the situation


Feeling that you are not the same person you were before the event and that you have lost yourself in some way

Feeling strong emotions such as anger, anxiety or fear when reminded of the event

Avoidance of people places or conversations that remind you of the event

Difficulty moving forward with your life and withdrawing from social connection, work or activities you previously enjoyed.

OCD is characterised by experiencing obsessive thoughts and completing compulsive behaviours to try to manage these thoughts which are experienced as intrusive, unwanted and upsetting…

OCD is characterised through experiencing obsessive thoughts and completing compulsive behaviours to try to manage these thoughts which are experienced as intrusive, unwanted and upsetting.

The content of obsessive thoughts is often in one or more of the following areas:

Sexual thoughts or thoughts of violence

Thoughts about harm coming to loved ones

Religious or blasphemous thoughts

Thoughts about germs or contamination

Compulsions can happen within your mind or through your behaviours. Common compulsions include:

Checking your memory, going over the thoughts in your mind to disprove them, repeating prayers or certain numbers/phrases.

Asking for reassurance from others

Checking doors or switches, ordering objects in a certain way, excessive hand washing or cleaning.

BDD is characterised by experiencing high levels of worry about your appearance or a particular flaw in your appearance and carrying out…

BDD is characterised by experiencing high levels of worry about your appearance or a particular flaw in your appearance and carrying out behaviours or particular routines in an attempt to reduce these concerns. Common behaviours include – skin picking, excessive use of mirrors, applying large amounts of makeup to cover the concern or spending a lot of time checking photographs.

People who are experiencing symptoms of health anxiety often experience excessive worries about their health. The worries about health may be triggered by hearing about a particular condition or noticing a bodily sensation or change.

People that are experiencing symptoms of health anxiety often experience excessive worries about their health. The worries about health may be triggered by hearing about a particular condition or noticing a bodily sensation or change. It is common for people that are experiencing health anxiety to google symptoms, check their bodies for potential signs of illness excessively, seek repeated reassurance from others or avoid health related information altogether.

Panic disorder is characterised by experiencing an intense increase/surge in anxiety which escalates into a panic attack and lasts for 10 minutes or less.

Panic disorder is characterised by experiencing an intense increase/surge in anxiety which escalates into a panic attack and lasts for 10 minutes or less. Common symptoms experienced in panic attacks include difficulty breathing, feeling dizzy and heart palpitations. People with panic disorder may begin to avoid situations that trigger panic attacks.

Generalised anxiety disorder is characterised by excessive worry about a number of topics/day-to-day experiences or events.

Generalised anxiety disorder is characterised by excessive worry about a number of topics/day to day experiences or events. People that are struggling with GAD find it difficult to tolerate uncertainty and may make attempts to reduce or avoid uncertainty within their life. Other symptoms of GAD include feeling anxious tense and exhausted.

Social anxiety is characterised by feeling anxious or fearful of social situations and worrying about what others may think.

Social anxiety is characterised by feeling anxious or fearful of social situations and worrying about what others may think. This fear can lead to avoidance of social situations or a feeling that you cannot be yourself within a social situation. People that are struggling with social anxiety tend to carry out certain behaviours prior to, or within the social situation to try to reduce their anxiety; unfortunately these behaviours tend to have the opposite effect and play a role in maintaining the difficulty.

Feeling fearful about a particular animal, object or situation and experiencing high levels of anxiety when exposed to it or avoiding it as a result.